
How To Get The First Date Kiss (For Guys)

If you are a young single guys who wants to get out there and have fun mingling with attractive women then you might have asked yourself when the best time is to make your move and give the woman you like the first kiss. This is a question that has been debated for decades now (though it may have been answered in Christian H’s new GFAS, though that is neither here nor there…) For most guys this is less a matter of being too scared to make a move, and more about wanting to become masters of timing, in order to improve their chances of not blowing it when they find that one girl that they really like and want as a girlfriend.

If we can be honest, then there are few that would argue the point that while some guys seem to just have this natural flare and confidence that allows them to seduce a woman they just met, most of us “other guys” will likely take a few misses before we end up getting a kiss from a young lady whom we fancy. And this is also assuming that we don’t give up and quit prematurely).

Well, whether you are guy A or B, there are a few things you need to know to do well in the dating game, and make sure that you don’t jump the gun and start trying to kiss girls before they are ready.

First off, you want to focus all of your attention on the woman you are talking to. This is a key point, but it is something that most inexperienced guys fail to do. The reason this is so important is because the more that you pay attention to her, the more that you will be able to “tune in” to her vibe and be able to get a sense of where her head is at so that. With this information it will become very easy to tell whether she is ready to start kissing, or whether she would prefer to get to know you better before indulging in such behavior.

Next, you want to make sure that you don’t end up as that guy who is always getting stuck in the friend zone or is hardly noticed by women. Instead, you want to make subtle changes that transform you into the kind of guy that women chase. To be that guy you need exude confidence and one of the most important (yet overlooked) pieces of this is having a personal style that keeps the ladies on the edge of their seats.

The first step to having this kind of an attractive style is having lots of different outfits for every different sort of occasion. Women love guys who know how to dress sharply and on point regardless of the scenario. This is easier than it may sound. Just get a suit with a snazzy pair of shoes for special occasions, a sport coat and boat shoes for casual dinners and lunches, and I’m sure you already have plenty of t shirts and jeans for when you want to bum around the house or do low-key errands with her (just save that stuff for after the first couple of dates.)

Test this one out for yourself and I am sure you will find it’s true that women are much more eager to have a quick make-out session with a guy who presents himself in a confident and polished way.

Finally, try to make the psychological paradign shift to realizing that you, and not her, are truly the “prize”. I know that thsi wauy of thinking is pretty much the opposite of how we were all raised to think, but hwne you can wrap your head around this concept and start to really internalize it I think you will notice that women start responding to you much more positively and even aggressively than they ever have before. Women are turned off by men who settle for scraps and practically beg on their knees for female attention. You are better than that. Women want a man who has confidence and knows his self-worth.

Here’s the tldr version: Make sure you have your own sense of personal value before you go chasing skirts.

Photo Credit: David Martyn Hunt

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