
Dating Advice for Men – How To Be More Dominant

If you want to make a good impression on the women you date, it is important to project a confident, masculine, and even dominant vibe. Because some people may misconstrue my words when I saw dominant, allow me to clarify. I am not referring to dominating your date or doing any kind of BSDM activities. Instead, I am referring to being a dominant force in your own life, like how dating coach Vin Dicarlo talks about it in his Dominant Sexual Power course.

Think about it like this, women don’t want to date some weak willed man who is blown about like a leaf in the wind. They want a strong man who is on his path in life, with a vision for the future that he is actively working towards a la David Deida.

That being said, when you are on a date it is important to turn your attention to the woman before you. Make sure that you give her your rapt attention, and be considerate of her needs and desires.  This means being attentive to her – considerate, thoughtful, and solicitous to her needs. She will appreciate basic gestures which indicate such thoughtfulness.

Also, turn off your cell phone. A lot of guys think that taking calls during a date shows that they are an important person, a “hot-shot” business tycoon or whatever, but really it shows the opposite. Men who are truly dominant are able to unplug and take time for personal pursuits when they see fit and are not endlessly tied to their phones, reacting to other people’s demands. So unless you are expecting a call that is a matter of life and death, or something akin to that, you should feel no need to check your text messages or return calls during a date.

Not to go overboard talking about this subject, but really, this is a big problem. Carrying on a long conversation on your phone when you are on a date is extremely rude. If a woman I was dating ever did this I’d walk away and go talk to another girl at the bar to teach her a lesson. So make a point to wait on replying to all the messages you’ve received, and let your calls go to voice mail. In the unlikely event that you are expecting a call of real urgency, tell your date about it ahead of time. of the matter.

Moving on, remember to always make your date feel like she has your complete attention. If she is shy, draw her out of her shell with questions that show that you are genuinely interested in getting to know her better, and not just getting her into bed. Listen to her answers attentively, and answer her questions about you with sincerity. This is the way that high value, dominant men interact with others.

Of course different women do require different sorts of attention, so do what you can to find out what “type” of girl she is. A good resource for understanding different types of women is a program called Pandora’s Box that was created by the aforementioned expert Vin DiCarlo.

As a dominant man, you should feel relaxed just being yourself.  Sure, it is natural to want to impress your date, and this is fully acceptable so long as you do not go to overboard and start trying to pretend you are something you are not.  Although you may try to highlight what you think are interesting and impressive things about you, don’t stray from the truth or you’ll regret it in the long run.

Furthermore, be sure not to go overboard sharing highly personal info with her, especially if you’re still in the getting-to-know-you phase. In particular, refrain from going on about any of your ex-girlfriends or ex-wives as this is considered a red flag by many women. Don’t talk about your family member’s problem’s with alcoholism or drug abuse. Don’t complain about your deranged boss, or annoying co-workers. Whining and complaining is not attractive behavior.

Instead, keep things light and interesting.  There is time enough for more intimate and profound conversations with her when you are over your first few dates and have already established considerable rapport and friendship with her.

I hope these pointers are helpful to you. Now go and enjoy being a dominant alpha male!